Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Falafels and sunflower beet cheese

I've started this thing, since new years, to write down my goals the night before every day, and list out ways that I can lower my ecological footprint. One way to do this is through food. 
Where I am currently living -- Brazil -- there isn't a compost collection. However where I am staying there is a small garden, but composting isn't an always. One goal that I have is to stop throwing organic material away and finding a way to always compost the material. 

The other goal, at least in the coming future is to become more and more plastic free, here in Curitiba, I have not found sources of non packaged organic foods -- like grains, beans and nuts. This is something that I would like to research more and find out how I could obtain them in something like cloth bags. However in the meantime before I figure out either how to live without foods that come in plastic or find a way to obtain healthy package free foods, I'm making use of the foods in the cupboard already available. 

3-4 cups of soaked chickpeas
3 tbsp flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp alho (garlic) powder (portuguese popped out for a second ;))
1 red onion chopped.

Put all ingedients into a food processor and process until finer than couscous and almost a paste, but not quite. 
Shape into balls and put into the oven 200 C for 30 minutes – roughly estimated. They should be well cooked and not taste raw on the inside and slightly browned on the outside.

Sunflower Beet Cheese – 
1 cup of raw unsalted sunflowers soaked for atleast an hour
1 small beet chopped
½ tsp turmeric
 ½ tsp curry powder
2 garlic cloves
½ tsp salt
juice of 1 and ½ limes
enough water to reach the top of the ingredients in a blender, 1 tsp of agave.

Blend until smooth.

Serve falafels with cheese and can add some cilantro and sliced limes as garnish :)) 

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